Cookie policy


To make the visit to our website as enjoyable as possible, functional, and convenient, our web pages store a certain amount of information, so-called cookies, on your computer. They make the site work optimally and enhance your browsing and use experience. By visiting and using this website, you agree to use cookies that can be blocked. After that, you can still view the webpage, but some features will not be available. 

What are cookies?

The cookie is part of the information stored on your computer, cell phone, or tablet, which can be delivered directly from the website you visit (first-party cookies) or in collaboration with the needs of third-party websites (third-party cookies). Cookies usually save your settings, website settings, etc. Once you open a webpage again, your web browser sends back the cookies that belong to this site. This allows the page to display information tailored to your needs. Cookies can have a wide range of information, including a piece of personal information. This information can be saved only if you enable it. The same website cannot access the information that you have not provided and cannot access any other files on your computer.

How to disable them

If you want to disable the saving of cookies on your computer, you can do it. The act of blocking itself may have a negative impact on the use of the website. To disable cookies, you need to set the settings and configurations of your web browser. Select help and information about the cookies in the browser menu and follow the instructions.  

Temporary cookies

Temporary cookies or cookies are removed from your computer when you close your browser. With them, websites store temporary data.

Permanent cookies

After you close the Internet browser program, permanent or saved cookies remain on your computer. With them, websites store information such as login name and password, so you do not have to sign in for each visit to a particular location. 

Third-Party Cookies

Third-party cookies set up by external organizations we use our services. These cookies are set for the normal functioning of certain features that make it easier for users to access content. We currently have Google Analytics visit metrics for cookies.