Privacy policy


With these general rules, company Natura Verum d.o.o.;Titov trg 7, 52 22o Labin, OIB:05544362746 (in the text below) regulates general terms for concluding contracts and rules for collection, processing, and protection of personal data from business partners (B2B, business to business): natural persons, independent professionals, artisans, responsible persons of companies, legal and other representatives of business partners or any other person entering a business relationship with a processor.

For the purpose of these rules, ‘personal data’ means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (‘data subject’); an identifiable natural person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier or to one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of that natural person.

A business partner is any natural person who concludes or is about to conclude a contract with Natura Verum d.o.o.; Titov trg 7, 52 22o Labin, OIB:05544362746 which requires the collection and processing of personal data, and as such, is considered data subject regarding General Data Protection Regulation from 27.04.2016 (EU 2016/679).

Natura Verum d.o.o.; Titov trg 7, 52 220 Labin, OIB:05544362746, as a data processor, before collecting any of your personal data, gives the following information in accordance with Art. 13 of the General Data Protection Regulation from 27.04.2016 (EU 2016/679):

Data processor:

Natura Verum d.o.o.; Titov trg 7, 52 22o Labin, OIB:05544362746, +385 52 404 603, +385 91 1404 014

Data Protection Officer Contact Details

Tempo d.o.o., Titov trg 7, 52220 Labin, OIB: 48743301312, +385 52 404 603, +385 91 1404 014

Personal data collected and legal basis

Natura Verum d.o.o.; Titov trg 7, 52 220 Labin, OIB:05544362746, on the basis of its legal obligations, for the purpose of contract execution intention to conclude contracts or business negotiations, may collect the following personal data: name and surname, residence, date and place of birth, personal identification number, identification document number, id and name of identification document issuer, financial and solvency data (Bon 1, Bon 2, Sol 2), JMBG, real estate and movable property information, insight/scan/copy of identification document, certificate, certificate of accomplished education or specialty vocation data from professional and craft registers, data on qualifications, special qualifications, vocations, data that is listed on blank debentures, debit notes, bills of exchange.

All these data are kept for a period prescribed by relevant law or while needed for contract fulfillment purposes and will be deleted after this period. If our client refuses to provide the above-mentioned data that is collected on the basis of legal obligations or is necessary for contract fulfillment purposes, Natura Verum d.o.o.;Titov trg 7, 52 22o Labin, OIB:05544362746 reserves the right to refuse to conclude a contract with the business partner.

Based on the obligation to conduct an in-depth analysis of the party prior to entering a business relationship, under the Anti-Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Law, we are required to collect the following information:

  1. for a natural person, assignee, or legal representative: name and surname, place of residence, day, month, and year of birth, identification number, name and identification document number, name of the country that issued the identification document, and citizenship/nationality.
  2. for the natural person to whom the transaction is intended: name and surname, residence, and identification number of the natural person if such information is available.
  3. for crafts and other self-employed activities: 
    1. name, residence (street and house number, place, and state), and identification number of the craft and a person who carries out another independent activity when establishing a business relationship or carrying out other independent activities establishes a business relationship or performs transactions. 
    2. name, residence (street and house number, place, and state) of the craft and a person who carries out another independent activity to which the transaction is intended, and the identification number of the craft and the person carrying out other independent activity only if the information is available.
  4. for the real owner of the party: name and surname, country of residence, day, month and year of birth, and citizenship/nationality
  5. the purpose and intended nature of the business relationship, including information on the activities of the party.
  6. date and time of establishment of a business relationship
  7. the date and time of the transaction’s execution, the amount and currency in which the transaction is to be performed, the manner in which the transaction is executed, and when the payer on the basis of the risk assessment carried out in accordance with the provisions of this Act and on the basis of the by-laws adopted on the basis thereof, establishes a high risk of money laundering or terrorist financing, purpose of the transaction
  8. the source of funds that are or will be the subject of business relationships.
  9. the source of the funds that are or will be the subject of the transaction.
  10. other data on transactions, remedies, and persons in accordance with Art. 20. In conjunction with Art. 56 and 57 of the Law on Prevention of Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism.

These data are kept for a period of 10 years from the date of termination of the business relationship, which is determined by the Anti-Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Law.


Purpose and processing of personal data

Data is processed fairly and legally and is not collected to a greater extent than necessary.

Personal Data of a Business Partner Natura Verum d.o.o.; Titov trg 7, 52 220 Labin, OIB:05544362746 collects and processes in cases determined by law and/or with the Client’s privilege for the purpose for which it has been granted and/or for the purpose of concluding and executing a contract concluded between the Business Partner and Natura Verum d.o.o.; Titov trg 7, 52 220 Labin, OIB:05544362746 as well as in other cases determined by law.

Collected personal information is used for:

  • providing our services/contract execution
  • identification purposes and checks
  • statistical analysis and research
  • regulatory and legislative compliance
  • fight against money laundering and terrorist financing
  • marketing, profiling, and market research
  • protection of the rights and property of Floria Glamping Garden

Processing of personal data listed in Art. 3. these rules are dealt with by the automated processing of personal data, and the processing manager has no technical ability to handle the data otherwise, which is why authorization for automated data processing is a precondition for the conclusion of the contract.

Protection of Your Personal Information

Pursuant to the Personal Data Protection Act, the prescribed technical measures and procedures have been undertaken, and supervision of access to personal data is provided to authorized persons only. Data collection and processing uses the latest security architecture, including servers, databases, backups, firewalls, encryption, monitoring systems, and access control systems, both physically and programmatically, to ensure protection against loss or abuse of your data.

Privacy of data 

Customer Data Natura Verum d.o.o.; Titov trg 7, 52 220 Labin, OIB:05544362746, together with the information that Natura Verum d.o.o.; Titov trg 7, 52 220 Labin, OIB:05544362746  has learned about when providing services and doing business with clients, is considered a business secret, and Floria Glamping Garden can only be disclosed in legally required cases. 

The head of the collection is obliged to pass on personal data collected based on legal obligations to a particular state body within their legal authority. These may be the Ministry of Finance, the Tax Administration, the Money Laundering Office, and other public authorities.

The rights of the respondent

Each client, in accordance with Art. 15 – 22 of the General Regulations on the Protection of Personal Data of 27.04.2016. (EU 2016/679) is provided:

  1. access to personal data and correction or deletion of personal data, all in accordance with the provisions of these Rules and the legal provisions.
  2. restriction of treatment pertaining to him as a respondent, all in accordance with the provisions of these Rules and the legal provisions.
  3. investing complaints about the processing of personal data, including the use of personal data for direct marketing purposes and automated decision-making, including the creation of a profile, all in accordance with the provisions of these Rules and the legal provisions.
  4. requesting the transfer of personal data related to him, all in accordance with the provisions of these Rules and the legal provisions.
  5. recalling at any time its personal data processing privileges as set out in Art. 3.1.3. and 3.2.2. these rules.

Withdrawal of the client’s consent doesn’t affect the legitimacy of processing of his personal data prior to withdrawal.

For all questions, complaints, applications, as well as exercising of their rights related to the protection of personal data as set out in the Regulation and the preceding Article, the Client may contact the Personal Data Protection Officer or the Processing Manager via e-mail

At any time, the client can file a complaint with the supervisory for the protection of personal data:

Agencija za zaštitu osobnih podataka (AZOP)

Martićeva ulica 14, 10000 Zagreb